Thursday, June 26, 2008

*Insert Witty Title Here*

Well, I am venturing into another type of blogging now, the semi-professional style. Up to now I have flirted with a weight loss blog, which had three total posts (two of which were tests) and a personal blog on livejournal where I whine about my life.

I have decided now to join the ranks of frugal bloggers because I often want to link to stuff, share deals, etc. and I didn't have an appropriate forum for doing so. A few mouseclicks later, this appeared. It is highly likely that the template and looks of it will change, but for now, a generic style works for me.

So, what will I blog about? Anything to do with thriftiness and frugality. This might be coupons, deals, sales... but it might also include home cooking and gardening. Or sewing. Anything that contributes to my overall contentedness without stretching my wallet.

I look forward to seeing more of you.

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